
Island Traveller

Your tour booking travel agent for Bali, Nusa Penida and the Gili Islands

Book your airport transfers and tours of Bali and Nusa Penida here! 

Using our dedicated booking system, simply select which tours you want to experience, for how many people, on which dates, and place your booking. We’ll take care of the rest.

Add your required airport transfer for the time and date you arrive, and we’ll be there waiting for you.

Airport Transfers

Tours of Nusa Penida

East Nusa Penida













West Nusa Penida













Combined East and West Nusa Penida













Tours of Bali

East Bali













Central Bali













West Bali













Best of Ubud Waterfalls













Contact us for more information

Email info@island-traveller.com

Phone +62 811 3810 3591

Or send us a message with this form:

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Tour packages 


Tour packages on



Tour packages on

Nusa Penida


Tour packages in

The Gili Islands

Contact BlueWater Express

BlueWater Express

Br. Ponjok,

Jl. Tukad Punggawa,


Denpasar Selatan,

Denpasar City,

Bali 80229


General enquiries :

08.00am – 08.00pm (GMT +8)

+62 (81) 338 418 988

Serangan Office :

08.00am – 08.00pm (GMT +8)

+62 (361) 8951111


Padang Bai Office :

07.00am – 03.00pm (GMT +8)

+62 (81) 138 097 77


Nusa Penida Office :

07.00am – 06.00pm (GMT +8)

+62 (81) 138 117 681